Tuesday, 15 March 2011

In which the author considers the 10 t-shirts her life needs

I like a lot of stuff... trouble is I just can't afford it. Instead, I'll post it on here and you can imagine I wear these... :P

1. The Birthday t-shirt

I like this t-shirt. It casually says "Yes, I am 21. This means I can drink pretty much everywhere. Serve me alcohol now." Buy it here (preferably for me).
2. The "I like funny comedy, not this Ricky Gervais shit" t-shirt
'Oh Lord bless this, Thy hand grenade, that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy.' 
This is very much an all-round t-shirt I feel. Suitable for casual gatherings, lazy days, working at the MA in Medieval Literature, or just sleeping in. Availiable heeeeeeeeeeere.

3. The Star Trek convention / geek gatherings t-shirt
This t-shirt amuses me. Mostly because it puts to voice the sentiments I had towards Wesley Crusher through most of my favourite Star Trek generation. Aggrivation for Crusher fans here.

4. The proper Star Trek fan / feeling suicidal t-shirt
The red Star Trek shirts have always been my favourite colour. Unfortunately they're also notorious as being the colour shirt of pretty much EVERY character that dies on away missions. My irrational need to own one of these t-shirts overrides this risk. Tempt fate here.

5. The snobbish yet cool t-shirt
For all you uneducated heathens, Cogito ergo nom translates roughly to 'I think, therefore I nom'. I think this is an essential item of clothing for any scholar. Plus it has a cat on it. Purchase it here.

6. The ironically commenting on the commercialization and objectification upon modern man t-shirt

I like an interesting read. If it's on a t-shirt it just gives people an excuse to stare at eachother's chests. Another plus - it's somewhat witty :) Get heeeeeeeeeeeere.

7. The opening the door early in the morning / had to rush to get dressed t-shirt
I want this t-shirt pretty much because my housemates always seem to knock on my door in the morning when I'm still dressing (not really surprising considering how much time I like to spend messing around before I put on clothes) - I'd love to throw on this t-shirt before I open the door. :P Here. x

8. The strategically-chosen-to-irritate-the-brother t-shirt
My brother's doing a degree in Physics. I'm doing a degree in English Literature. Need I say more? Irritate the scientists here.

9. The plane trip t-shirt
I like a nice cheerful t-shirt. Optimism is what's needed when undertaking a long journey, plus I like the idea I'm possibly cheering up nervous flyers :P  Irritate people with your optimism here.

10. The much-needed reminder t-shirt
Sometimes you just need a reminder, no? Ideal for meetings with supervisors, bosses, and psycho-analysts. Plus it has a cute kitty. Buy one for me here.


Random Fact of the Day: 1 in 5000 north Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue.

Random Image of the Day:

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