Yes, I know I have already posted this on facebook, but it's my blog and who's to stop me putting it here too if I want. Some things can only be done properly when a student. University is a time when people don't judge the weird things you do as strange or innappropriate, but accept it as something normal. My time as a student, and more importantly, in a position where I can do stupid things like this without repercussions, is drawing near its close. Thus, I have put together this list to ensure that I do as much as possible with these last few months of social freedom. Once more dear friends, I call out: will any selflessly help me with any of these??! :P
Things to do before I graduate
[ ] 1. GO TO FRANCE! (day trip or weekend, but good lord I'm so near the channel tunnel it'd be criminal NOT to use it!)
[ ] 2. Go to the Christmas service at the Cathedral
[ ] 3. Get kicked out/lifetime ban from a shop. The posher the better. EDIT!!! My new aim is to dress up as something WEIRD (e.g. pikachu or something), go to London for the day, and see how many shops we can get thrown out of by pulling weird pranks and acting oddly.
[ ] 4. Paddle/swim in the river (preferably in summer :P )
[ ] 5. Find an excuse to use the cathedral archives :P
[X] 6. Survive more than 2mins in Humans v. Zombies
[ ] 7. Go see a play in London
[X] 8. Dye my hair a vivid, vivid colour of wonder
[ ] 9. Skinny dipping
[ ] 10. Drink/ be drunk for 24 hours straight
[ ] 11. Have a week where I can only say "no" 3 times... otherwise my answer to every request/demand is "yes"
These are all the ones I can think of for now - I'll add more as I think of them. If you have any suggestions / are willing to help (and haven't already volunteered!) please do pipe up!
Random Fact of the Day: Every second, Americans collectively eat one hundred pounds of chocolate.
Random Image of the Day:
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