Wednesday, 13 October 2010

In which the author realises she sounds like a twat when she blogs, but decides to go ahead with the whole thing anyway

A whole new bloooooooooooooog
Wow, I've finally done it. I've started a blog. I've just put myself into a whole new group of people known as "bloggers". I've always thought the word "bloggers" was a horrible word... kinda reminiscent of 'bog'. Thus the word 'bloggers' is a kind of muddy green colour in my head. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm deviating already.

Ok, well, let's do introductions to start off shall we? Hi, I'm Fawn, nice to meet you. Yes, Fawn. No, not Dawn. Fawn. No, not like a Narnia creation. Spelt like the baby deer.
I'm 21, and in my third year of an English Literature degree. I like reading (obviously, otherwise let's face it, this degree would be a NIGHTMARE), watching films of pretty much every genre, a few TV programmes: mostly Doctor Who, Merlin (blates for the intricate plot twists and not for the hot guys in every other shot), Mock the Week, QI, News of the World and that sort of thing. Ummm... what else? I have a penchant for cats. That's my backup plan by the way. If I've not caught a guy by 45 it's pretty much a given that the cards will spell out a long and promising future as mad-cat-lady-extraordinaire!

Ok... so now I've set myself up as the completely and utterly sane and rational person that I clearly am, I'm gonna stop here before I do any more damage.

p.s. Is it worrying that I have the song 'A Whole New World' stuck in my head, but with 'blog' inserted in the place of 'world'? This doesn't bode well.

p.p.s. I've decided to end each post with a random fact and picture.


Random fact of the day: House flies have a lifespan of two weeks. Good.

Random image of the day:
But is it art? Answer: No.

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