Monday 14 March 2011

In which the author writes a letter to her Future Self

Lent's been going OK... mostly. I've stuck to the no lolcats rule, and was doing well with the half-hour exercise rule until yesterday - I haven't done any exercise today either. Hopefully I'll turn this around tomorrow. The good deeds are actually hard to do when you haven't got much spare time! I vacuumed my housemate's room for him, and I'm going to clean the shower and cook something for the housemates, but it's just finding the time!!!

Anyway, I decided for today's post to write a letter to my future self - a post to rediscover when I'm ridiculously old, y'know, like, 27 or something. :P


Dear Future Self,

I kinda see you as a separate person, so I'm going to address you as 'you'. I can't really imagine being older than 26 at the moment, but then I didn't use to be able to imagine myself as older than 21, so there we go. First of all, I really hope you aren't boring... I don't ever want to become someone that doesn't at the very least occasionally dance insanely around in their underwear. Also, I really hope that you haven't, settled for less than you want - remember when we were younger? I was obsessed by the idea that I'd die before I'd manage to do certain things, so I rushed them? Guess what, I had time after all, and so do you. You have time to wait and you don't always need to rush. Unless you're like 60 by the time you read this, in which case GO AND DO SOMETHING NUTTY NOW BEFORE YOU'RE ON A ZIMMER FRAME!

OMG remember when I wrote a blog? And wrote things like 'OMG'? Wow, that was some embarrasing shit huh? I'm perfectly aware I'm probably going to cringe over this blog when I'm older, but for now I just don't care - live for now, everyone cringes over things they did in the past... just be sure you can say that at least you had fun doing it.

The friends I have now are awesome. If you've lost contact with any of them (twit), then write them a letter now. Just say hi, ask how they've been, say what you've been doing. They're awesome friends and you should never have let them drift away. Wow, I wonder what they're going to end up doing...

What did you do your PhD on in the end? Was it symbolism or did you find something else to be fascinated with by then? If you have had kids please say you didn't name them something annoying. I can totally see myself doing that. At least check all names for rhymes and initials first. Also, are you living somewhere cool? I hope you're living somewhere cool. With a bit of money for the occasional shopping trip or spontaneous pint? I hope you've had the chance to travel some more. Don't forget you wanted to travel to Venice, Rome, Germany, Paris again, Russia, Japan... loads of places.Don't not go because you couldn't be bothered to organise it. You'll regret it later! If you did go somewhere, did you have a summer romance? I'd love to have a summer fling...

Did you ever get that tattoo? I still don't know if I'm going to get it or not. I'd like to. Also, I wonder if I've got got any more grey hairs yet. I have 3 currently. They're called 'Essays', 'Exams' and 'Boys'. Do you have to dye your hair now to hide them? I always hoped I'd get a cool streak of silver... I suspect now though that I'm just going to have random hairs of white.

Guess I'll find out soon.

Love, Past Self xx


Random Fact of the Day: Stressed is desserts spelled backwards. This fact is also my new motto.

Random Image of the Day:
Err... what?!

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